Assessments, Fluency, Comprehension and Rubrics

COURSE FORMAT: This course is a self-paced, fully asynchronous professional development module. You will have 31 days from the date of purchase to complete this course.

COURSE AUDIENCE: This course is designed specifically for educators in both public and private schools who work with students of all ages. It focuses on the science of reading and incorporates structured literacy best practices, making it an ideal resource for teachers dedicated to enhancing their students' reading skills.

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: This course is designed to equip educators with essential knowledge about different assessments and screeners suitable for students. Participants will learn how to select appropriate reading materials, weighing the benefits of authentic versus decodable texts. Additionally, the course will address strategies for improving reading fluency, ensuring that students can maintain and enhance their comprehension skills. This course will also introduce rubrics to help educators monitor progress and plan remediation.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Teachers leave this course with a deeper knowledge of all of the above, plus comprehensive rubrics to help monitor reading fluency and comprehension.

  • Assessments and screeners: why and how to use them
  • Targeting Fluency and Comprehension: Reading Resources for Students of All Ages
  • Engaging with students: Share and Shadow Reading
  • Engaging with Students: Echo and Choral Reading
  • Promoting Fluency and Comprehension
  • Targeting a Class with Ranging Skills 
  • Understanding How and Why to Use the Fluency and Comprehension Rubrics
  • How to use the Rubrics to Action Individual and Full Class Remediation
  • Using the Rubrics for Progress Monitoring

Course Content  Course Navigation Sample
Instructional Videos Tabs Interaction Sample
Interacive Content   Knowledge Check Sample Image



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Price: $299.00
Taxes may apply.